AIVONO AIM-GUN 7000 Puffs Rechargeable Disposable Vape Details
AIVONO AIM-GUN 7000 Puffs Main Features
The AIVONO AIM-GUN 7000 boasts a 1.2Ω mesh core heating wire resistance, ensuring smooth and consistent vapor production, enhancing the overall vaping experience with every puff. Whether you’re a seasoned vaper or new to the world of vaping, the AIVONO AIM-GUN 7000 offers a satisfying and enjoyable experience.In addition to its superior performance, the AIVONO AIM-GUN 7000 also offers customization options through its support for OEM/ODM. This allows you to modify your device to match your needs and preferences. Moreover, you can choose from nicotine salt content options of 5%, 3%, 2%, or 0% to personalize your vaping experience further. This flexibility makes it an ideal choice for those seeking a low nicotine vape or a non-nicotine vape.
Flavor Selections of the AIVONO AIM-GUN 7000 Puffs
AIVONO AIM-GUN 7000 Puffs: Original Factory Bulk Wholesale Disposable Vapes
Available now for bulk wholesale distribution at Bigdogvapes, a leading retailer of Disposable Vapes, the AIVONO AIM-GUN 7000 promises exceptional features and unmatched performance. Don’t miss the chance to elevate your vaping experience with the AIVONO AIM-GUN 7000 Puffs Disposable Vape. Explore our range of products at Bigdogvapes and unlock a world of vaping satisfaction for both non-nicotine and low nicotine vape enthusiasts.
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